2 Questions To Ask When Hiring Long-Distance Movers For Your Cross-Country Move

As part of your preparations to move across the country, you may have decided that you will hire a service to help you. When you first speak with the movers, your questions will most likely include ones inquiring about timing, rates, fees, and other contractual considerations.

However, while speaking with them, you may want to include other questions that will help you plan ahead for the upcoming move. Below are a couple of questions to help get you started when gathering information that will help you with planning your cross-country move with the service.

1.  Are There Any Types of Items That the Movers Will Not Transport in Their Trucks?

One inquiry you should make when speaking with the moving service has to do with items that they are prohibited from moving. Do they have a list of things that they cannot transport in their trucks, making it necessary for you to move them yourself?

Some items that are combustible, such as aerosol cans, gas jugs, and other flammables may not be permitted in their trucks for safety issues. They also may not move live plants because of the risk of them dying in transport and being liable. Having a list of these forbidden items can help you remember to pack them separately to move in your own vehicle.

2.  Do They Recommend Specific Types of Packaging to Use When Packing up Your Belongings?

Another question you may want to ask to help you plan for the packing stage of the move has to do with the types of packaging you should use. Unlike moving across town, going across the country will subject your belongings to more vibrations and bumps, and poorly packed items could become damaged.

Ask the representative if they have any recommendations on the thickness of the boxes. Also, ask them what types of packing materials would be ideal, such as specific grades of bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts.

When getting ready for a move across the country, you will need to do a lot of planning beforehand. Knowing what you can and cannot transport with the movers as well as knowing how and in what your belongings should be packed can help you keep from having problems the day you plan to head out. If you have additional questions, make sure you ask the representative with the long distance movers when you contact the company about hiring them to help you. 
