Heading Into A Court Battle? Why You Need To Hire A Private Investigator

If you're going through a legal case, whether it's a divorce or a personal injury claim, you need to hire a private investigator. You might think that all you need is an attorney, but that's not necessarily the case. Attorneys often use private investigators to handle the investigations for their cases. If you don't think you need a private investigator, read the information that's been provided below. You'll find three crucial reasons why you need to hire a private investigator for your case. 

Keep You Out of Harm's Way

If you're trying to gather evidence for your case, and you're doing it on your own, you could be putting yourself in danger. This is especially true if you start conducting surveillance work. If you're going through a divorce, surveillance work might be a good way to gather the evidence you need against your spouse. But it's not the safest way, especially if your divorce is contentious, or there's been a history of abuse. To keep yourself out of harm's way, you need to hire a private investigator. They'll take care of the surveillance work so that you can keep your distance. 

Search Social Media Pages

If you're suing someone for personal injuries, or you're going through a divorce, you may need to check out their social media pages. You can gather a lot of important evidence from social media pages, especially if the person you're going up against has active accounts. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to search through private pages or to locate the pages of people who don't want to be found. That's where a private investigator comes into the picture. Private investigators know how to access private accounts, and how to find hidden social media accounts. They also know how to identify social media posts that will bolster your case. Don't forget to be cautious with your own social media pages, too. The person you're going up against may have hired their own private investigator to search your social media accounts. 

Locate Missing Assets

Finally, whether you're going through a divorce or a personal injury case, you need to find missing assets. It's not uncommon for spouses, or people who are being sued, to hide their assets. Once assets are hidden, they can't be used during settlement considerations. Unfortunately, that means you might not get what you're entitled to, which is where a private investigator comes into the picture. Private investigators have the training, and the networks, to locate missing assets.

For more information about what services a private investigator can provide, contact a local investigation office.
