Unique And Affordable Advertising Tools For Local Promotion

Promoting your business to the general public is the best way to get your name or product known in the community. You may not have the largest advertising budget, but you should still do all you can to make your business stand out so your potential customers know you exist. Here are some unique and affordable ways to make your business presence known so customers are alerted about your products, services, or sales.

Large banner signs

Placing large feather or teardrop flags along the edge of your business's parking lot is a terrific way to advertise your sales or new inventory to people driving by. The unique fin-style shape of this advertising flag offers a sturdy appeal that can withstand various weather conditions as it flutters in the breeze. You can buy these signs with words already on them in bold or neon lettering announcing a sale, grand opening, or even your business hours, or you can have your flag custom-printed at a local print shop. Place flags in various areas surrounding your building, including: 

  • parking lots
  • door entries
  • sidewalks

As people drive or walk by, they can be attracted to your business via the large and unique structures and bold designs of these flags, which is exactly the appeal you need. Flags are very affordable and can be purchased online in bulk.

Car wrap

You can turn your vehicle into traveling advertisement without spending a lot of money as well. Your vehicle can be outfitted with a custom wrap that sticks to the doors or windows, promoting your business name, hours, website, and even products and services in simple lettering. These wraps are designed to be removable while being professional in style, and can come in black and white or full-color styles. Some car wraps are simply large magnets that stick to doors, allowing you to change which vehicle you want to use for advertising as you drive around town. You can buy custom car wraps in various sizes and styles at your local print shop or online, along with feather advertising flags.

If you don't have a lot of money to spend but you still want to get your company name out there so people know your business exists, you can use advertising flags and car wraps to get the job done. This way, your potential customers can find you more easily and you don't have to worry about finances while you make your presence known. Contact a company like Balloon Boys to learn more.
