Tips for Getting Commercial Auto Insurance

If your company uses a vehicle for business purposes, then you need to get commercial auto insurance. This will allow you to drive safely and legally on the roads. However, commercial auto insurance can be expensive in many cases due to the larger sized vehicles that are used and the fact that they sometimes get driven for many more miles than your private car. Here are some tips for getting commercial auto insurance so that you make the most of your money. 

1. Hire Drivers Without Many Accidents on Their Record

Your first step is to provide records to your auto insurance company of all of the drivers that you are employing. If you have not yet hired drivers, try to get drivers with as few moving violations on their driving records as possible. You can pull drivers licenses from the DMV as part of a background check if the job features the role of driver. The reason for getting people that do not have a lot of points on their license, aside from the obvious fact that they are less likely to get into an accident, is that commercial insurance premiums will be lower if you have safe drivers. By hiring drivers that do not have points on their license, you will be able to avoid high commercial auto insurance premiums.

2. Hire Drivers That Have Commercial Drivers Licenses

The next thing that you should look at is whether or not your drivers have commercial drivers licenses. You may have to pay these drivers a bit more for their additional expertise, but you will save more money in the long run with the lower premiums and fewer accidents.

3. Bundle Your Vehicles

If you have multiple vehicles for your business, bundling them together will reduce the amount of money that your overall car insurance will be each month. This can make it a lot easier for you to pay your car insurance since you won't have to pay multiple payments, but it can also make it cheaper. Talk to your commercial auto insurance agent for more information about whether or not bundling will actually lower your premiums.

For more information, talk to multiple commercial car insurance companies. They will be able to give you free quotes. If you'd like to discover more about commercial auto insurance, contact an agent near you, and they can answer any questions that you might have.
