Protecting An Antique Mirror With The Proper Packaging

If you are going to be moving into a new home, and you have an antique wall mirror that you will be bringing along, you are most likely concerned about its well-being when it gets loaded onto a moving truck or placed into your vehicle. It is extremely important to take the time to make sure your large mirror has the proper paper & packaging to minimize the risk of it breaking while it is in transit. Here are some tips you can use to help you in protecting your antique mirror so it has a better likelihood in getting to its destination intact.

Take Time To Protect The Glass From Shattering

It is a good idea to add some painter's tape directly to the glass portion of your mirror to help contain any shards if the mirror does have a mishap while on the road. This will reduce the chance of you or someone else getting injured. Apply the tape from corner to corner, diagonally, forming a letter "X". This can be peeled off when you get the mirror out of the enclosure you select, and will leave behind little residue for you to clean up afterward.

Add A Protective Wrap To Cushion The Mirror

After you tape the mirror's glass, it will need to be wrapped in a protective coating to help keep it from getting bumped by other items while getting moved. Bubble wrap works well at protecting a large item as it can be purchased in large rolls which can be cut to size. Wrap the bubble wrap around the mirror a few times so it has a few inches of cushioning in place. The wrap can be kept in place with tape.

Place Your Mirror In The Right Type Of Enclosure

Your wrapped antique mirror will need to go into a container for maximum protection. Use a thick corrugated cardboard box to do the job. Make sure you do not reuse a box as this may have weakened portions, which could rip while being lifted. Purchase a new box and use tape to construct it properly. Afterward, fill the bottom portion with some packing peanuts for added cushioning. Set your mirror inside of the box and fill the areas around it with additional packing peanuts. Add more of these on top of the mirror as well. Afterward, tape up the box with heavy duty packing tape and label the box appropriately. You can find more helpful information from companies like Commonwealth Inc
