Is Your Boiler In Need Of Repair?

Regular boiler maintenance and paying heed to telltale signals that indicate the need for repair can help you nip boiler-related problems in the bud . If ignored, these issues can quickly worsen, leading to high boiler repair costs or an even costlier boiler replacement. 

Indications that a boiler may need repair


A mild odor of burnt oil is unavoidable in a boiler room with oil boilers. However, if the odor spreads then it could be because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • Misaligned oil burner.
  • Incomplete fuel combustion due to insufficient oxygenated air in the combustion chamber.
  • Loose valve in the fuel supply line that leads to an oil drip.
  • An obstruction in the chimney that may prevent the exhaust gases from escaping outside.

On similar lines, the smell of gas in case of gas burners indicates a leak in the exhaust or ventilation system. With both boiler types, the situation can result in poisonous carbon monoxide getting mixed with the air indoors. Hence, immediate checking and repair are advisable.

Strange sounds

Strange and unusual sounds emanating from a boiler indicate a buildup of lime and iron inside the heat exchanger. This reduces the space available inside the exchanger, leading to an increase in steam pressure from overheated water. If you hear hissing, banging, or popping sounds coming from the boiler, call a boiler repair professional like Arnica Heating and Air Conditioning immediately to remedy a potentially dangerous situation. They'll repair it by clearing blockages in the pressure release valves, removing debris from the heat exchanger, and replacing leaky pipes. 


Age, improper installation, and infrequent maintenance can cause water leakage in a boiler. A leaky boiler consumes more fuel and has low efficiency. Broken circulation pump seals and blocked pressure release valves can lead to to water accumulating beneath the boiler. These are easily repaired by an HVAC engineer. With an old boiler, if the leaks are from a crack in the boiler's body, then replacement may be a safer and more cost-effective option than a replacement. 

Low boiler efficiency

Poor boiler efficiency leads to increased fuel consumption and higher utility bills. Accumulation of soot, which is a poor conductor of heat, on the boiler's heating surface is one of the most common causes of a fall in efficiency. Incomplete fuel combustion raises fuel costs. A faulty burner that does not burn fuel completely can lower boiler efficiency; the problem can become worse in the cooler months when combustion air requires more heat before it reaches flame temperature. This excess energy requirement affects the system's heat efficiency. A high air/fuel ratio because of damaged combustion control valves, cams, and levers affects efficiency. The solution is regular calibration and repair or replacement of these mechanical parts, as required.  


Timely boiler repairs help in keeping the work environment safe and the heat-generation costs low. Adhere to the servicing schedule laid down by the manufacturer and stay alert for any warning signs, such as the ones listed above. 
